The Urban Bait Fully Loaded carp glug is ideal for any number of boilie dip and carp glug recipes. This specially formulated oil based glug can be used to add attraction in the swim and help preserve the fresh bait on the bank. The recommended amount to use is around 20ml to 1 Kilo of bait. The glug comes in a 500ml bottle and will glug up to 25 Kilos of bait.
There are a number of highly effective carp glug recipes you can apply this glug too. For example, boosting a bait with extra scent is a great ruse when fishing a single hook bait for pressured specimens wary of large beds of feed. Even little mounds of food deposited by PVA can be ignored by wily whoppers.
In addition, the porous nature of boilies makes them a perfect candidate for absorbing liquid attractors. Particles such as maize and nuts are also good baits to boost.
A high oil content makes most dips PVA-friendly. Dip a stringer in a pot of enhancer, or dribble some into solid bags. Groundbaits and Method mixes can also be jazzed up.